Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Free Making Money


Subscribe to comments for this post OR Subscribe to comments for all ReadWriteCloud posts

  1. Thanks for sharing this post!

     Posted by: JiHye |
    September 26, 2010 7:19 PM

  2. The Twilio Fund for startups is an awesome idea.

    Posted by: Richard Uren |
    September 27, 2010 3:00 AM

  3. Thanks for posting this tips. There are a lot of SaaS applications out on the web and only a few of them are successful. Personally, I think Basecamp (Project Management System) opened everyone's eyes on how to present a SaaS.

    To anyone that found this post helpful - check out this book as well -

    Free: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson

    Posted by: avisra |
    September 27, 2010 5:26 AM

  4. "It's a formula that doesn't come up with the price by adding up the costs and then tacking on enough to make a profit."

    Interesting. It'll work for a while, but once there are a couple of similar competitors, prices will be driven down to costs plus a small delta. So make hay while the sun shines!

    Posted by: Sam Mason |
    September 27, 2010 5:38 AM

  5. The SaaS model almost demands value-based pricing, because most of the costs are fixed. The cost per user will be determined by the number of users, which is impossible to predict when you're first setting prices.

    Having said that, if you price it too high or don't watch your costs, you leave yourself vulnerable.

    Six Apart is a good example of a company that never figured out how to price their product.

    Posted by: Barry Parr |
    September 27, 2010 9:21 AM

  6. C'mon folks. Twilio isn't a SaaS, it's a VoIP reseller.

    Mutton isn't lamb is it?

    Posted by: James Barnes |
    September 27, 2010 11:47 PM

  7. Interestingly, HuffPost Hill just got its first e-mail from Luis Gutierrez's office (with no mentions of mayoral campaigns, for what it's worth): "Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL) and Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) will convene a briefing that is open to the press and public on efforts to provide relief to homeowners facing foreclosure and the role of government-owned companies (e.g., Freddie and Fannie) in the mortgage and foreclosure crisis."

    @meredithshiner: Let the battle begin: "Gutierrez for Mayor" #Rahm #Chicago http://plixi.com/p/48735032

    TOMORROW'S PAPERS TODAY - The Hill: Micheal O'Brien on how Senate Republicans are expressing confidence they will pick up at least six seats this fall, but are more careful in predicting results for seven other races that will determine the Senate majority. Roll Call: Republicans kicked off October with several aggressive independent expenditure moves aimed at forcing Democrats further on the defensive with just weeks to go before Election Day, writes John McArdle and Kyle Trygstad.

    The Hill will run a 20 questions segment with newly-minted CNN hosts Eliot Spitzer and Kathleen Parker tomorrow.

    DAILY DELANEY DOWNER From Arthur Delaney: "The paperwork scandal that has prompted several banks to halt evictions and review their foreclosure procedures is reminiscent of the predatory lending scheme that inflated the housing bubble. 'It's the same process, falsifying documents to make them look acceptable to someone," said Tom Domonoske, a lawyer and consumer advocate in Virginia. 'They're falsifying foreclosure documents so judges will look at them and say, 'Here's an affidavit. It's signed.'" http://huff.to/dkOSmM

    Don't be bashful: Send tips/stories/photos/events/fundraisers/job movement/juicy miscellanea to huffposthill@huffingtonpost.com. Follow us on Twitter - @HuffPostHill

    DNC POSTS RECORD-BREAKING FUNDRAISING NUMBERS - The Democratic National Committee raked in an impressive $16 million last month, for all the good that's doing....are we right?? Are we right?? Ehhh?? Anyway: "The DNC haul gives Democrats hope that the party and its candidates will have plenty of money in the final month of the election to take on both Republican candidates and pro-Republican outside groups. Business and conservative organizations plan to spend $300 million on their own efforts to help Republican candidates this fall." WSJ: http://bit.ly/dcZeRz

    Maybe it's helping? A new Rasmussen survey has Democrats barely trailing Republicans in a generic congressional poll, the closest margin in nearly a year. The poll has Republicans earning 45 percent support while Democrats are polling at 42 percent. http://bit.ly/4sfo9l

    Stu Rothenberg says: "Democratic candidates need to go into the elections with 50 percent of the vote or more in most districts to win -- 'surging' to 45 percent of the vote simply isn't enough." Roll Call: http://bit.ly/bMP1ms

    Marco Rubio may have inappropriately used election funds from his state campaigns to repair his car. The St. Petersburg Times is reporting that in 2002 the Republican Senate nominee, then a candidate for the state legislature, cut a check for $1,485.55 written out to "Marco Rubio Bank of America Auto Finance Corp." for "auto expense." "It seems to be a pattern with him in which he plays fast and loose with the rules and tries to go back and justify it once it's pointed out," Ben Wilcox, of Common Cause Florida, tells the Times. http://bit.ly/afQPXM

    CHRISTINE O'DONNELL: THE CHINESE ARE TAKING OVER - Leave it to Christine O'Donnell to at long last make a prescient statement yet still totally bungle it by couching it in conspiratorial nonsense. In a 2006 Republican Delaware Senate primary debate, O'Donnell claimed that the Chinese were plotting to take over (true) America (sort of) and that she had previously had access to (uh-oh) classified (stop, stop stop!) information (nooooo) to support her claim. "There's much I want to say. I wish I wasn't privy to some of the classified information that I am privy to," she said. "A country that forces women to have abortions and mandates that you can only have one child and will not allow you the freedom to read the Bible, you think they can be our friend?" she asked. "We have to look at our history and realize that if they pretend to be our friend it's because they've got something up their sleeve." http://huff.to/aefsxn

    HuffPost Huh?: How on Earth did it take this long for someone to go through her debates 2006?

    Seeing as how stories of Joe Miller, Sharron Angle, Rand Paul and Christine O'Donnell's wackiness are buffeting journalists with Gatling gun-like regularity, Greg Sargent has done a real public service by anticipating what the next one will be: "By Miller's lights, the Constitution reserves the power to regulate minimum wage for the states. Maybe someone should ask Miller whether Federal child labor law is unconstitutional, too. Seems like his answer is likely to make some news. It's hard to overstate how extreme Miller's position is. After the New Deal passed, Republicans ultimately realized that they would have to accept the New Deal's main achievements as permanent pillars of society in order to remain a viable national party. Miller seems to want to relitigate something the GOP already hashed out more than a half century ago." http://wapo.st/dfSJRv

    @Wonkette Ben Quayle Points Gun At 'Wife,' Forces Her To Talk Into Camera http://bit.ly/dkBOUD

    KRISTEN GILLIBRAND UNDERSTANDS MINUTIAE OF NEW YORK POLITICS - Namely, that upstate residents loathe folks from "the city" and folks from "the city" kind of forget that anything north of White Plains exists (seriously, ask someone from Brooklyn where Utica is. One in three will probably say "near Yonkers."). "I was born and raised here in Upstate New York. It's where my family and I still call home. So I know your economic priorities are different," Gillibrand says in a new ad targeted to Empire State residents up north. She proceeds to explain that, unlike city residents -- too obsessed with building victory Mosques -- people upstate care about being employed and the health of their nation's economy. Observer: http://bit.ly/aSxEsh

    Our in-house polling expert Mark Blumenthal notes that the HuffPost Pollster average has Gillibrand ahead by about 10 points The most ground to be gained, of course, is upstate. http://huff.to/9IAchn

    ALABAMA POL REJECTS ROMNEY ENDORSEMENT - Zing! "On Friday, Alabama Republican governor candidate Robert Bentley turned down an endorsement from the former presidential candidate. The Birmingham News reported that Mr. Bentley turned down the endorsement. A spokeswoman for Bentley, Rebekah Mason, said Friday that Bentley wanted to concentrate on the race for governor and did not want to give the impression that he was endorsing anyone in the 2012 presidential race." http://bit.ly/apZFt6

    BECAUSE YOU'VE READ THIS FAR - Here's a cat and dog locked in an epic tug-of-war battle: http://bit.ly/cILnk1

    POLITICIANS CAN'T STOP TAKING OFF THEIR SHIRTS - A new ad from Ami Bera, who is challenging Dan Lungren in California's Third Congressional District, taking Lungren to task for allegedly going on a lobbyist-funded trip to Hawaii. The Bera campaign emphasizes this point by showing a photo of Lungren, shirtless, that was purportedly taken while he was in the Aloha State. "The economy is in trouble and Dan Lungren goes to Hawaii?" a series of incredulous actors/constituents ask. http://bit.ly/bmOD40

    Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is shirtless, too. Plus he found his dog: http://bit.ly/bCgqd4

    IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: JOHN RAESE DEFENDS PINK MARBLE DRIVEWAY - Nothing quite so damning like a West Virginia politician being painted as partial to Liberace-style getaway haunts. "Last week, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee sent e-mails of a story about Raese's 7,000-square-foot home in Palm Beach County, Fla., where the marble driveway was repaved with pink stone. Raese later told Associated Press the color was peach, but not of his choosing. 'Raese leads a lavish lifestyle that's included over 15 cars, boats and motorcycles, a home in Florida where his family lives full-time and where, records show, he paved the driveway with marble in 2008 as the economy was nosediving,' said the article in politico.com by Maggie Haberman." News and Sentinel: http://bit.ly/94ea7t

    Veering wildly from people who can afford gaudy homes to those being squeezed out of theirs: David Dayen chronicles a weekend-long event hosted by the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America and the plight of individuals on the brink of losing their homes. He quotes one participant, who was rejected from HAMP by Bank of America: "I went to a third party law firm after I got laid off to help with a modification. Then my husband got laid off and the law firm told me immediately to short sale," the attendee said. "Bank of America rejected me for a loan modification, they refused to work with me. All they said to me was, 'You owe $35,000, how would you like to pay?' At least here I can get a face-to-face discussion...No one knows what anyone else is doing." http://bit.ly/aEnrMS

    It would seem that "family values" groups' response to our country's growing openness about sexual orientation is to grab the LGBT community's proverbial arm, slam it against its proverbial face, and ask why it's punching itself. Minnesota Independent: "The Minnesota Family Council (MFC) is pushing back against efforts to improve the climate for LGBT students in the Anoka-Hennepin School District, where community members are mourning suicides by four LGBT students in the last year. The real issue is 'homosexual indoctrination,' not anti-gay bullying, says MFC's Tom Prichard, who says the students are dead because they adopted an 'unhealthy lifestyle.'" http://bit.ly/bMMi0k

    "John Oliver, British comedian of 'The Daily Show' fame, announced that he's engaged to Kate Norley, an Army medic who spent time in Iraq. The couple met in 2008 at the Republican National Convention. 'It's the most emasculating thing I could possibly do to go out with someone who has actually done something valuable with their life,' Mr. Oliver told People magazine." NYT: http://nyti.ms/9FlNwz

    JEREMY THE INTERN'S WEATHER REPORT - Tonight: The D.C. area seems to be in the center of rotation for clouds. Fun science-y experiment: those south of D.C., call your friends in Maryland and ask them in which direction the clouds are moving. Virginia should see them moving northwest-to-southeast, while Marylanders should see a southeast-northwest rotation. Moisture from Chesapeake Bay will bring rain to Maryland (although, as of now, it's limited to the Baltimore region). Other areas may see scattered showers, especially going into mid-evening. Tomorrow: The clouds should clear. Expect it to be brisk, just like today. By the end of the week, it will warm up a bit more. That's something to look forward to. Thanks, JB!


    - To bring attention to his plight, a homeless man performed "Under Pressure" with two Kermit The Frog dolls. http://bit.ly/b2daGT

    - Now you too can add some Michael Bay zest to your photographs. http://bit.ly/9Ot9KY

    - Kitty eating pancakes! Kitty eating pancakes! Kitty eating pancakes! Kitty eating pancakes! http://bit.ly/cwyfVX

    - Riveting local journalism: the gripping tale of two roommates and their battle against a beehive. http://bit.ly/boqIU9

    - What happens with a wedding video meets Dragonball Z, meets Russia and meets a bad acid trip. http://bit.ly/cPIPkY

    - The evolution of the Windows operating system in one nifty graphic. http://bit.ly/aBPM4s

    - "Dog Judo" is a series of shorts starring two dogs gabbing about who know's what. http://bit.ly/bMW0o4

    - Break dancing can be a powerful weapon...literally. http://bit.ly/aYICNQ


    @LondonReview: Poor Jonathan Franzen. A man just ran up to him, pulled the glasses off his face, and legged it out of the room... At his own party!

    @JeffFlake: How many swear words would it take to pay down our nation's debt? http://ht.ly/2OhTB

    @daveweigel: I don't understand this. Must be my Kenyan anti-colonial thinking. RT @newtgingrich: B

    @ConanOBrian: Okay, I admit it. I find Meg Whitman's ex-nanny weirdly attractive.


    TONIGHT: Snazzy dresser and HuffPoster Sam Stein stopped by Hardball. Howard Fineman, who cracked us up at a HuffPost meeting today, is on Countdown. Ed Rendell and Barney Frank are on Last Word. TOMORROW: More HuffPost hits as Sam Stein and Arianna Huffington appear on Morning Joe.

    ON TAP


    8:00 pm: Give this rainy Monday a needed jolt by attending the World Air Sex Championship. If you know what that is, or even have an inkling, you should go [Rock and Roll Hotel, 1353 H St NE].

    8:00 pm: If you're into nebbish men with skewed views of the world, then you're subscribing to the right newsletter. Why not supplement your connoisseurship of all things weak and peculiar by attending a talk by David Sedaris, who is speaking at GW tonight [GW Lisner Auditorium, 730 21st Street NW].


    8:00 pm: The Washington Psychotronic Film Society, which is the greatest gift to cinephiles since Citizen Kane, screens Anguish, a Spanish movie about someone's psycho mom [The Passenger, 1021 7th Street NW].

    Got something to add? Send tips/quotes/stories/photos/events/fundraisers/job movement/juicy miscellanea to Eliot Nelson (eliot@huffingtonpost.com), Ryan Grim (ryan@huffingtonpost.com) or Nico Pitney (nico@huffingtonpost.com). Follow us on Twitter @HuffPostHill (twitter.com/HuffPostHill). Sign up here: http://huff.to/an2k2e

    robert shumake

    Movie <b>News</b> Quick Hits: &#39;The Hangover 2&#39;, &#39;Thor&#39; Images, &#39;Avatar <b>...</b>

    Don't pretend like you're too cool to spend $995 on officially licensed, 'Tron Legacy' light bike suits. [via Gizmodo] - Months ago 'The Hangover.

    Physics Nobel Goes To Graphene - Science <b>News</b>

    Science News. Vol. 166, October 23, 2004, p. 259. [Go to]; D. Castelvecchi. Electron Superhighway: Can graphene overtake silicon as the essential ingredient of computer chips? Science News. Vol.172, September 29, 2007, p. 200. [Go to] ...

    Exclusive: I have some big <b>news</b>... | Ausiello | EW.com

    You may need a hug after you read this. Or I may need one. Sources confirm to me exclusively that… I just made pretty much the most difficult decision of my ...

    robert shumake

    Movie <b>News</b> Quick Hits: &#39;The Hangover 2&#39;, &#39;Thor&#39; Images, &#39;Avatar <b>...</b>

    Don't pretend like you're too cool to spend $995 on officially licensed, 'Tron Legacy' light bike suits. [via Gizmodo] - Months ago 'The Hangover.

    Physics Nobel Goes To Graphene - Science <b>News</b>

    Science News. Vol. 166, October 23, 2004, p. 259. [Go to]; D. Castelvecchi. Electron Superhighway: Can graphene overtake silicon as the essential ingredient of computer chips? Science News. Vol.172, September 29, 2007, p. 200. [Go to] ...

    Exclusive: I have some big <b>news</b>... | Ausiello | EW.com

    You may need a hug after you read this. Or I may need one. Sources confirm to me exclusively that… I just made pretty much the most difficult decision of my ...

    Make Money Online FREE ebook by GlobalMarketingMoney

    robert shumake


    Subscribe to comments for this post OR Subscribe to comments for all ReadWriteCloud posts

    1. Thanks for sharing this post!

       Posted by: JiHye |
      September 26, 2010 7:19 PM

    2. The Twilio Fund for startups is an awesome idea.

      Posted by: Richard Uren |
      September 27, 2010 3:00 AM

    3. Thanks for posting this tips. There are a lot of SaaS applications out on the web and only a few of them are successful. Personally, I think Basecamp (Project Management System) opened everyone's eyes on how to present a SaaS.

      To anyone that found this post helpful - check out this book as well -

      Free: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson

      Posted by: avisra |
      September 27, 2010 5:26 AM

    4. "It's a formula that doesn't come up with the price by adding up the costs and then tacking on enough to make a profit."

      Interesting. It'll work for a while, but once there are a couple of similar competitors, prices will be driven down to costs plus a small delta. So make hay while the sun shines!

      Posted by: Sam Mason |
      September 27, 2010 5:38 AM

    5. The SaaS model almost demands value-based pricing, because most of the costs are fixed. The cost per user will be determined by the number of users, which is impossible to predict when you're first setting prices.

      Having said that, if you price it too high or don't watch your costs, you leave yourself vulnerable.

      Six Apart is a good example of a company that never figured out how to price their product.

      Posted by: Barry Parr |
      September 27, 2010 9:21 AM

    6. C'mon folks. Twilio isn't a SaaS, it's a VoIP reseller.

      Mutton isn't lamb is it?

      Posted by: James Barnes |
      September 27, 2010 11:47 PM

    7. Interestingly, HuffPost Hill just got its first e-mail from Luis Gutierrez's office (with no mentions of mayoral campaigns, for what it's worth): "Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL) and Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) will convene a briefing that is open to the press and public on efforts to provide relief to homeowners facing foreclosure and the role of government-owned companies (e.g., Freddie and Fannie) in the mortgage and foreclosure crisis."

      @meredithshiner: Let the battle begin: "Gutierrez for Mayor" #Rahm #Chicago http://plixi.com/p/48735032

      TOMORROW'S PAPERS TODAY - The Hill: Micheal O'Brien on how Senate Republicans are expressing confidence they will pick up at least six seats this fall, but are more careful in predicting results for seven other races that will determine the Senate majority. Roll Call: Republicans kicked off October with several aggressive independent expenditure moves aimed at forcing Democrats further on the defensive with just weeks to go before Election Day, writes John McArdle and Kyle Trygstad.

      The Hill will run a 20 questions segment with newly-minted CNN hosts Eliot Spitzer and Kathleen Parker tomorrow.

      DAILY DELANEY DOWNER From Arthur Delaney: "The paperwork scandal that has prompted several banks to halt evictions and review their foreclosure procedures is reminiscent of the predatory lending scheme that inflated the housing bubble. 'It's the same process, falsifying documents to make them look acceptable to someone," said Tom Domonoske, a lawyer and consumer advocate in Virginia. 'They're falsifying foreclosure documents so judges will look at them and say, 'Here's an affidavit. It's signed.'" http://huff.to/dkOSmM

      Don't be bashful: Send tips/stories/photos/events/fundraisers/job movement/juicy miscellanea to huffposthill@huffingtonpost.com. Follow us on Twitter - @HuffPostHill

      DNC POSTS RECORD-BREAKING FUNDRAISING NUMBERS - The Democratic National Committee raked in an impressive $16 million last month, for all the good that's doing....are we right?? Are we right?? Ehhh?? Anyway: "The DNC haul gives Democrats hope that the party and its candidates will have plenty of money in the final month of the election to take on both Republican candidates and pro-Republican outside groups. Business and conservative organizations plan to spend $300 million on their own efforts to help Republican candidates this fall." WSJ: http://bit.ly/dcZeRz

      Maybe it's helping? A new Rasmussen survey has Democrats barely trailing Republicans in a generic congressional poll, the closest margin in nearly a year. The poll has Republicans earning 45 percent support while Democrats are polling at 42 percent. http://bit.ly/4sfo9l

      Stu Rothenberg says: "Democratic candidates need to go into the elections with 50 percent of the vote or more in most districts to win -- 'surging' to 45 percent of the vote simply isn't enough." Roll Call: http://bit.ly/bMP1ms

      Marco Rubio may have inappropriately used election funds from his state campaigns to repair his car. The St. Petersburg Times is reporting that in 2002 the Republican Senate nominee, then a candidate for the state legislature, cut a check for $1,485.55 written out to "Marco Rubio Bank of America Auto Finance Corp." for "auto expense." "It seems to be a pattern with him in which he plays fast and loose with the rules and tries to go back and justify it once it's pointed out," Ben Wilcox, of Common Cause Florida, tells the Times. http://bit.ly/afQPXM

      CHRISTINE O'DONNELL: THE CHINESE ARE TAKING OVER - Leave it to Christine O'Donnell to at long last make a prescient statement yet still totally bungle it by couching it in conspiratorial nonsense. In a 2006 Republican Delaware Senate primary debate, O'Donnell claimed that the Chinese were plotting to take over (true) America (sort of) and that she had previously had access to (uh-oh) classified (stop, stop stop!) information (nooooo) to support her claim. "There's much I want to say. I wish I wasn't privy to some of the classified information that I am privy to," she said. "A country that forces women to have abortions and mandates that you can only have one child and will not allow you the freedom to read the Bible, you think they can be our friend?" she asked. "We have to look at our history and realize that if they pretend to be our friend it's because they've got something up their sleeve." http://huff.to/aefsxn

      HuffPost Huh?: How on Earth did it take this long for someone to go through her debates 2006?

      Seeing as how stories of Joe Miller, Sharron Angle, Rand Paul and Christine O'Donnell's wackiness are buffeting journalists with Gatling gun-like regularity, Greg Sargent has done a real public service by anticipating what the next one will be: "By Miller's lights, the Constitution reserves the power to regulate minimum wage for the states. Maybe someone should ask Miller whether Federal child labor law is unconstitutional, too. Seems like his answer is likely to make some news. It's hard to overstate how extreme Miller's position is. After the New Deal passed, Republicans ultimately realized that they would have to accept the New Deal's main achievements as permanent pillars of society in order to remain a viable national party. Miller seems to want to relitigate something the GOP already hashed out more than a half century ago." http://wapo.st/dfSJRv

      @Wonkette Ben Quayle Points Gun At 'Wife,' Forces Her To Talk Into Camera http://bit.ly/dkBOUD

      KRISTEN GILLIBRAND UNDERSTANDS MINUTIAE OF NEW YORK POLITICS - Namely, that upstate residents loathe folks from "the city" and folks from "the city" kind of forget that anything north of White Plains exists (seriously, ask someone from Brooklyn where Utica is. One in three will probably say "near Yonkers."). "I was born and raised here in Upstate New York. It's where my family and I still call home. So I know your economic priorities are different," Gillibrand says in a new ad targeted to Empire State residents up north. She proceeds to explain that, unlike city residents -- too obsessed with building victory Mosques -- people upstate care about being employed and the health of their nation's economy. Observer: http://bit.ly/aSxEsh

      Our in-house polling expert Mark Blumenthal notes that the HuffPost Pollster average has Gillibrand ahead by about 10 points The most ground to be gained, of course, is upstate. http://huff.to/9IAchn

      ALABAMA POL REJECTS ROMNEY ENDORSEMENT - Zing! "On Friday, Alabama Republican governor candidate Robert Bentley turned down an endorsement from the former presidential candidate. The Birmingham News reported that Mr. Bentley turned down the endorsement. A spokeswoman for Bentley, Rebekah Mason, said Friday that Bentley wanted to concentrate on the race for governor and did not want to give the impression that he was endorsing anyone in the 2012 presidential race." http://bit.ly/apZFt6

      BECAUSE YOU'VE READ THIS FAR - Here's a cat and dog locked in an epic tug-of-war battle: http://bit.ly/cILnk1

      POLITICIANS CAN'T STOP TAKING OFF THEIR SHIRTS - A new ad from Ami Bera, who is challenging Dan Lungren in California's Third Congressional District, taking Lungren to task for allegedly going on a lobbyist-funded trip to Hawaii. The Bera campaign emphasizes this point by showing a photo of Lungren, shirtless, that was purportedly taken while he was in the Aloha State. "The economy is in trouble and Dan Lungren goes to Hawaii?" a series of incredulous actors/constituents ask. http://bit.ly/bmOD40

      Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is shirtless, too. Plus he found his dog: http://bit.ly/bCgqd4

      IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: JOHN RAESE DEFENDS PINK MARBLE DRIVEWAY - Nothing quite so damning like a West Virginia politician being painted as partial to Liberace-style getaway haunts. "Last week, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee sent e-mails of a story about Raese's 7,000-square-foot home in Palm Beach County, Fla., where the marble driveway was repaved with pink stone. Raese later told Associated Press the color was peach, but not of his choosing. 'Raese leads a lavish lifestyle that's included over 15 cars, boats and motorcycles, a home in Florida where his family lives full-time and where, records show, he paved the driveway with marble in 2008 as the economy was nosediving,' said the article in politico.com by Maggie Haberman." News and Sentinel: http://bit.ly/94ea7t

      Veering wildly from people who can afford gaudy homes to those being squeezed out of theirs: David Dayen chronicles a weekend-long event hosted by the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America and the plight of individuals on the brink of losing their homes. He quotes one participant, who was rejected from HAMP by Bank of America: "I went to a third party law firm after I got laid off to help with a modification. Then my husband got laid off and the law firm told me immediately to short sale," the attendee said. "Bank of America rejected me for a loan modification, they refused to work with me. All they said to me was, 'You owe $35,000, how would you like to pay?' At least here I can get a face-to-face discussion...No one knows what anyone else is doing." http://bit.ly/aEnrMS

      It would seem that "family values" groups' response to our country's growing openness about sexual orientation is to grab the LGBT community's proverbial arm, slam it against its proverbial face, and ask why it's punching itself. Minnesota Independent: "The Minnesota Family Council (MFC) is pushing back against efforts to improve the climate for LGBT students in the Anoka-Hennepin School District, where community members are mourning suicides by four LGBT students in the last year. The real issue is 'homosexual indoctrination,' not anti-gay bullying, says MFC's Tom Prichard, who says the students are dead because they adopted an 'unhealthy lifestyle.'" http://bit.ly/bMMi0k

      "John Oliver, British comedian of 'The Daily Show' fame, announced that he's engaged to Kate Norley, an Army medic who spent time in Iraq. The couple met in 2008 at the Republican National Convention. 'It's the most emasculating thing I could possibly do to go out with someone who has actually done something valuable with their life,' Mr. Oliver told People magazine." NYT: http://nyti.ms/9FlNwz

      JEREMY THE INTERN'S WEATHER REPORT - Tonight: The D.C. area seems to be in the center of rotation for clouds. Fun science-y experiment: those south of D.C., call your friends in Maryland and ask them in which direction the clouds are moving. Virginia should see them moving northwest-to-southeast, while Marylanders should see a southeast-northwest rotation. Moisture from Chesapeake Bay will bring rain to Maryland (although, as of now, it's limited to the Baltimore region). Other areas may see scattered showers, especially going into mid-evening. Tomorrow: The clouds should clear. Expect it to be brisk, just like today. By the end of the week, it will warm up a bit more. That's something to look forward to. Thanks, JB!


      - To bring attention to his plight, a homeless man performed "Under Pressure" with two Kermit The Frog dolls. http://bit.ly/b2daGT

      - Now you too can add some Michael Bay zest to your photographs. http://bit.ly/9Ot9KY

      - Kitty eating pancakes! Kitty eating pancakes! Kitty eating pancakes! Kitty eating pancakes! http://bit.ly/cwyfVX

      - Riveting local journalism: the gripping tale of two roommates and their battle against a beehive. http://bit.ly/boqIU9

      - What happens with a wedding video meets Dragonball Z, meets Russia and meets a bad acid trip. http://bit.ly/cPIPkY

      - The evolution of the Windows operating system in one nifty graphic. http://bit.ly/aBPM4s

      - "Dog Judo" is a series of shorts starring two dogs gabbing about who know's what. http://bit.ly/bMW0o4

      - Break dancing can be a powerful weapon...literally. http://bit.ly/aYICNQ


      @LondonReview: Poor Jonathan Franzen. A man just ran up to him, pulled the glasses off his face, and legged it out of the room... At his own party!

      @JeffFlake: How many swear words would it take to pay down our nation's debt? http://ht.ly/2OhTB

      @daveweigel: I don't understand this. Must be my Kenyan anti-colonial thinking. RT @newtgingrich: B

      @ConanOBrian: Okay, I admit it. I find Meg Whitman's ex-nanny weirdly attractive.

      THE TUBE

      TONIGHT: Snazzy dresser and HuffPoster Sam Stein stopped by Hardball. Howard Fineman, who cracked us up at a HuffPost meeting today, is on Countdown. Ed Rendell and Barney Frank are on Last Word. TOMORROW: More HuffPost hits as Sam Stein and Arianna Huffington appear on Morning Joe.

      ON TAP


      8:00 pm: Give this rainy Monday a needed jolt by attending the World Air Sex Championship. If you know what that is, or even have an inkling, you should go [Rock and Roll Hotel, 1353 H St NE].

      8:00 pm: If you're into nebbish men with skewed views of the world, then you're subscribing to the right newsletter. Why not supplement your connoisseurship of all things weak and peculiar by attending a talk by David Sedaris, who is speaking at GW tonight [GW Lisner Auditorium, 730 21st Street NW].


      8:00 pm: The Washington Psychotronic Film Society, which is the greatest gift to cinephiles since Citizen Kane, screens Anguish, a Spanish movie about someone's psycho mom [The Passenger, 1021 7th Street NW].

      Got something to add? Send tips/quotes/stories/photos/events/fundraisers/job movement/juicy miscellanea to Eliot Nelson (eliot@huffingtonpost.com), Ryan Grim (ryan@huffingtonpost.com) or Nico Pitney (nico@huffingtonpost.com). Follow us on Twitter @HuffPostHill (twitter.com/HuffPostHill). Sign up here: http://huff.to/an2k2e

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