Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Making Money Job

eric seiger

moneytablecashgifting by j91romero

eric seiger

Sarah Palin&#39;s Hair: New Fox <b>News</b> &#39;Do? (PHOTOS)

Sarah Palin is set to appear on both Fox News and Fox's broadcast channel as an Election Night analyst. For her big night, she appears to have debuted a new hairstyle as well.

ABC <b>News</b> Caves Completely to Intolerant Left, Cancels Breitbart <b>...</b>

That fits any possible definition of any possible role ABC News had in mind for Breitbart and yet in order to justify his abrupt cancellation, Mr. Morse refers to that sentence as continuing to “claim a bigger role.” ...

Fox <b>News</b> Election | 12 <b>News</b>

John Boehner, Haley Barbour and other Republican leaders were the results look at the Grand Hyatt in downtown Washington.

eric seiger

moneytablecashgifting by j91romero

eric seiger

Sarah Palin&#39;s Hair: New Fox <b>News</b> &#39;Do? (PHOTOS)

Sarah Palin is set to appear on both Fox News and Fox's broadcast channel as an Election Night analyst. For her big night, she appears to have debuted a new hairstyle as well.

ABC <b>News</b> Caves Completely to Intolerant Left, Cancels Breitbart <b>...</b>

That fits any possible definition of any possible role ABC News had in mind for Breitbart and yet in order to justify his abrupt cancellation, Mr. Morse refers to that sentence as continuing to “claim a bigger role.” ...

Fox <b>News</b> Election | 12 <b>News</b>

John Boehner, Haley Barbour and other Republican leaders were the results look at the Grand Hyatt in downtown Washington.

eric seiger

Sarah Palin&#39;s Hair: New Fox <b>News</b> &#39;Do? (PHOTOS)

Sarah Palin is set to appear on both Fox News and Fox's broadcast channel as an Election Night analyst. For her big night, she appears to have debuted a new hairstyle as well.

ABC <b>News</b> Caves Completely to Intolerant Left, Cancels Breitbart <b>...</b>

That fits any possible definition of any possible role ABC News had in mind for Breitbart and yet in order to justify his abrupt cancellation, Mr. Morse refers to that sentence as continuing to “claim a bigger role.” ...

Fox <b>News</b> Election | 12 <b>News</b>

John Boehner, Haley Barbour and other Republican leaders were the results look at the Grand Hyatt in downtown Washington.

eric seiger

Sarah Palin&#39;s Hair: New Fox <b>News</b> &#39;Do? (PHOTOS)

Sarah Palin is set to appear on both Fox News and Fox's broadcast channel as an Election Night analyst. For her big night, she appears to have debuted a new hairstyle as well.

ABC <b>News</b> Caves Completely to Intolerant Left, Cancels Breitbart <b>...</b>

That fits any possible definition of any possible role ABC News had in mind for Breitbart and yet in order to justify his abrupt cancellation, Mr. Morse refers to that sentence as continuing to “claim a bigger role.” ...

Fox <b>News</b> Election | 12 <b>News</b>

John Boehner, Haley Barbour and other Republican leaders were the results look at the Grand Hyatt in downtown Washington.

eric seiger
eric seiger

moneytablecashgifting by j91romero

eric seiger
eric seiger

Sarah Palin&#39;s Hair: New Fox <b>News</b> &#39;Do? (PHOTOS)

Sarah Palin is set to appear on both Fox News and Fox's broadcast channel as an Election Night analyst. For her big night, she appears to have debuted a new hairstyle as well.

ABC <b>News</b> Caves Completely to Intolerant Left, Cancels Breitbart <b>...</b>

That fits any possible definition of any possible role ABC News had in mind for Breitbart and yet in order to justify his abrupt cancellation, Mr. Morse refers to that sentence as continuing to “claim a bigger role.” ...

Fox <b>News</b> Election | 12 <b>News</b>

John Boehner, Haley Barbour and other Republican leaders were the results look at the Grand Hyatt in downtown Washington.

I am one of the many moms who is involved in the direct sales industry. This means that I sell products through a company (after much research) that when sold provide me with a commission just like stores make money when they sell the stuff they have on the shelves. A major difference is that I make more of a commission based on sales because of the way money is spent to get the product to market. With the company depending on people like me for marketing and sales they do not have to invest in that, instead that money in the case of Arbonne goes to product testing, development, and compensating me for the work that I do. When I mention to people that I am an Arbonne Independent Consultant I'm entertained at the wide variety of responses that I get. Before I get into the widely ranging reactions I have typically encountered, let me tell you a bit about how I got involved in this kind of opportunity as we like to call it.

Just For Fun
The first company I signed up to work for in direct sales was for adult toys I was young (about 22) when I first decided to try this out and was thus a bit shy to promote the business hence it's failure. I was attracted to the business for it's flexibility, profits based on my effort, and the experience of having my 'own' business without having to worry about where to get the products and so forth. This was before becoming a mother but I do think this would be a lot of fun for the right mom. I enjoyed this because being a young woman the stores where one goes to guy toys were intimidating to me, and I felt very silly walking around looking at stuff, the anonymity of shopping online or at a small house party was much more appealing.

Too Dependent
Eventually I found myself working a job in corporate America, and this is when I started paying more attention to what these other industries were about. I had a lot of experience in different kinds of self employment up until this point and realized how dangerous it felt to be so dependent on one source of income, feeling like if I lost my job, I'd be well, lost! This realization hit when the recession was just starting to hit and the rounds of lay-offs started, my research picked up a bit.

How I found my Match
I first tried Arbonne when I was a teenager, I remember seeing it in my moms bathroom and her telling me about how special it was and thinking she was being oh so silly. By the time I remembered all of this and was doing my research though, I realized the importance of this "Pure Safe and Beneficial" commitment to providing top quality products to those interested in only the best. It was my baby care experience that really made the switch in my head turn on to realize there was quite a range of what is good for us and what isn't when it comes to personal care products.

Pyramid Scheme
I find this response that many people have the most entertaining, especially after working in a corporate environment. When working for most of these MLM companies, any member of a sponsors downline can easily surpass the said sponsors status and level if they put real effort and focus into working the business. Comparing this to getting a job as a marketing temp in an much easier does one think it would be to be promoted to CEO of this company? I really don't even understand how the real pyramid schemes have gotten people confused about direct marketing because they really don't have anything in common.

Scamming Family & Friends
Easy to get offended by this response, though if standing in ground and center one realizes the insecurity is coming from the person making this claim. Of course there are always exceptions but the majority of people who have chosen to get involved in this kind of industry are all about helping other people to succeed and profit in the same way. I find it to be much less competitive than working in an office and find it to be hugely more collaborative when figuring out how to deal with any challenges faced.

Building Community
Community was a very pleasant surprise when I got involved where I am now. I confess I was guilty of assuming people I would meet who are involved would be maybe catty or competitive but it is not like that at all. I greatly enjoy all of the team meetings and in addition to that the people who I meet outside of Arbonne who are working for other companies are another great source of support. The trick to making it with any of these companies is to not jump right in but to find the one that most resonates with you, that you are confident representing and being linked with. I have good friends working with more supplement based companies, pre-paid legal services, investments, and much more.

Family involvement
I find that I meet the most customers and consultants when I am doing something fun with my family or friends. Living life is the most important part of this and finding people who I have something in common with plus the opportunities just give us one more thing to share, and we can get some playdates, swap sitting nights and family dinners out of the deal too! My daughter also loves helping me put the little stickers with my information on the samples I usually have on me available to share with any interested parties.

Personal Growth
I was also introduced to the vast world of personal development and leadership training through my connections to this industry and this has made an absolutely huge impact on my life. Through these workshops I have learned how to better value and respect not only myself and my family but the whole world. My little musings about my life with MS will soon be in a book because of the inspiration, motivation, and expanded world view I have gotten here. I'll write another article about this at some point because this industry gets a lot of flack too.

Employment Security
I am also attracted to this kind of work because it is very difficult to get 'fired' from this kind of job, so long as I maintain contact and keep the needs of my customers met in regards to what I am supplying them I am set! If I don't work I will stop making money sure but that is my choice, there are options and lessons to be learned in all that we do and I can choose to learn from them, build on them, and so forth.

Future As I See It
I believe that if people could warm up and realize that buying from each other is a way to support each other, to provide for each other and to make the entire community stronger as a whole. I think of buying from friends in the network marketing industry as vendors at a farmers market, which for me is a much more pleasant experience than shopping at big shopping centers with underpaid staff who could care less about getting me what I need. I appreciate the personal attention I get when shopping with my friends and feel good about knowing they are compensated for their efforts.

If we can step away from the cubes and remember that we are all people and we are all in this together I believe we will be in a better place.

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