Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Making Money Opportunities

Reps take the House and QE Too! / Fed Statement 

By Phil of Phil's Stock World 

Now, like many Americans, the Democrats know what it's like to lose their House.

Back in the mid-1800's, the nation had another kind of Tea Party as the Whigs became a successful 3rd party, even going so far as to put  two men in the White House - William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor plus Millard Fillmore, who succeeded "Old Rough and Ready" who died just after a year in office but that was a long term compared to Harrison, who caught pneumonia making a long inauguration speech in the freezing rain and died of it a month later despite attempts to cure him with opium, castor oil and leeches - treatments we are likely to see again as the Republicans vow to repeal Health Care legislation.  

I don't have to talk about what happened last night, Barry Ritholtz did a great job of it in "The Tragedy of the Obama Administration" so let's just focus on the repercussions of the changeover and, of course, today's upcoming Fed decision.  The Board of Governors were meeting all day yesterday and will meet again this morning to discuss their policy decision and one would think they can't be so deaf as to see that our citizens are not interested in additional deficit spending, which is exactly what QE2 is when the Fed writes checks to paper over the Treasury's profligate spending.  

Look for new and improved ways of not taxing corporations. Like GM, which will not have to pay taxes on its next $45.4Bn of earnings despite the fact that the Government paid for their losses already and allowed the company to bust union contracts and trash benefits for the millions of retired and fired workers as they shut down and sold brands - permanently shipping US manufacturing jobs overseas.

Of course, this tax break isn't about GM.  GM just sets a good precedent for similar treatment of Banksters and others who received relief under TARP and, of course, whatever they decide to call the next emergency bailout of Big Business.  If the market breaks our tops, we are going to be loving the XLF which already owns most of the people who got elected last night.   With FAS at $22.44, we can sell the April $19 puts for $2.75 and buy the Jan $17/21.67 bull call spread for $3.10 and that's net .35 on the $4.67 spread that's starting out 100% in the money and makes 1,334% if FAS simply holds $21.67. 

See, that's why we don't fear the upside.  If the market is going to have a mindless rally, we can find dozens of trade ideas that can keep us ahead of inflation like that. This is why we can PATIENTLY wait for the market to PROVE it can move forward - our job is to preserve cash so we can participate in these mindless opportunities to make ridiculous returns while the life savings and futures of the bottom 95% is ground into dust.  

Do I feel bad about that?  Not anymore, they are going to get the economy they just voted for and that's survival of the financially fittest and we'd better get serious about it because no prisoners will be taken in the next round of "Survivor, America."  Already the commodities are flying in celebration of the return of control of the House to Republicans.  There will be no legislation, there will be no investigation, there will be no restrictions at all and oil already jammed up to $85 in pre-market trading along with gold back over $1,360 and copper back at $3.85.  Isn't that great?  $5 more per barrel costs US consumers $100M a day and there's NOTHING they can do about it. They must spend it and that's more credit card transactions and more retail spending on gas, which we'll use as data to pretend the economy is improving - BRILLIANT!

We have the MBA Mortgage Report this morning along with ADP Employment (+43,000 jobs - all service), Inventories and ISM manufacturing but nothing really matters other than the Fed, which has to ignore all the improvements in the underlying data and risk hyperinflation by jamming another Trillion dollars into the dead pool of the US Money Supply.  We like XLF, UYG (see Member chat for our plays on them) as well as FAS to play the QE2 game because, eventually, all this money will flow through them at some point. Globally, the banking sector is just a shadow if it's former self, as illustrated in this chart (click to enlarge):

It's also interesting to note that just 4 of the World's top 50 banks are US banks - this probably does not fit into the average voters delusion of US economic superiority but we love our delusional voters because they are also delusional investors who pay us premiums, aren't they?  Barry points out that the election means "Less Limits and Oversight of Banks."  If we can't beat them, we may as well join them as we gear up for round 2 of "Grand Theft America." 

It's all about the Fed today and then it will be all about Jobs on Friday.  Despite intervention on the Yen this morning that took the dollar back to 81 this morning, the overall dollars has stayed below the 77 line since yesterday morning.  My comment to Members near yesterday's close was that the market move was very unimpressive on the heels of a 0.7% drop in the dollar as they market should AT LEAST gain enough to offset the currency it's priced in and then you have the magnification as the commodity pushers move up on the weak dollar as well.  

Not seeing good action makes us wonder, how low does the dollar have to go to get us back to April's highs, when the dollar was 7% stronger?  All else being equal, we should be 7% ABOVE April's highs, not 7% below it and, if we can make 1,300% on a flat-line - imagine what we can do with a 14% pop!

Here's looking forward to a very exciting final two months...

- Phil 

Chart via The Banker, Thomson Reuters, H/tip Barry Ritholtz 

Photo courtesy of Jr. Deputy Accountant 

Addendum: Fed Statement

Release Date: November 3, 2010

For immediate release

End ED — From the Left!

It’s no secret that expelling the U.S. Department of Education is something that a lot of libertarians, and conservatives who haven’t lost their way, would love to do. What’s not nearly so well known is that there are also people on the left who dislike ED. Now, they don’t dislike it because it and the programs it administers clearly exist in contravention of the Constitution, or because its massive dollar-redistribution programs have done no discernable good. They dislike it because, especially since the advent of No Child Left Behind, it strong-arms schools into doing things left-wing educators often disagree with or resent, like pushing phonics over whole language, or imposing standardized testing. Many also truly believe in local control of schools, though often with power consolidated in the hands of teachers.

Case in point is a guest blog post over at the webpage of the Washington Post’s Valerie Strauss. The entry is by George Wood, principal of Federal Hocking High School in Ohio and executive director of the Forum for Education and Democracy. He writes:

Everybody dislikes bureaucracies, but for different reasons. The “right” complains they are unresponsive, full of “feather-bedders,” and a waste of taxpayer money. The “left” complains they are unresponsive, full of people who are too busy pushing paper to see the real work, and too intrusive into local, democratic decision-making. Maybe we should unite all this new energy for making government more responsive and efficient around the idea of eliminating a bureaucracy that was probably a bad idea in the first place.

Remember that the Department of Education was a payoff by President Jimmy Carter to teacher unions for their support. Before that, education was part of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

That’s where I propose returning it. Here are several reasons why:

First, the current structure of the national Department of Education gives it inordinate control over local schools. The federal government provides only about 8% of education funding. But through through NCLB, Race to the Top, and innovation grants, they are driving about 100% of the agenda. Clearly this is a case of a tail wagging a very big dog.

Second, by separating education from health and welfare, we have separated departments that should be working very closely together. We all know, even if some folks are loath to admit it, that in order for a child to take full advantage of educational opportunities he or she needs to come to school healthy, with a full stomach, and from a safe place to live.

But the federal initiatives around education seldom take such a holistic approach; instead, competing departments engage in bureaucratic turf wars that, while fun within the Beltway, are tragic for children in our neighborhoods.

Third, whenever you create a large bureaucracy, it will find something to do, even if that something is less than helpful. After years of an “activist” DOE, we do not see student achievement improving or school innovation taking hold widely. We have lived through Reading First, What Works, and an alphabet soup of changing programs with little to show for it.

In fact, DOE has often been one of the more ideological departments, engaging in the battles such as phonics vs. whole language. Who needs it?

Who needs it, indeed!

As I have touched upon repeatedly since last week’s election, now is the time to launch a serious offensive against the U.S. Department of Education. I have largely concluded that because of the wave of generally conservative and libertarian legislators heading toward Washington, as well as the powerful tea-party spirit powering the tide. But this is a battle I have always thought could be fought with a temporary alliance of the libertarian right and educators of the progressive left who truly despise top-down, one-size-fits-all, dictates from Washington. There are big sticking points, of course — for instance, many progressives love federal money “for the poor” — but this morning, I have a little greater hope that an alliance can be forged.

eric seiger

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 10 <b>...</b>

China will force banks to raise reserve requirements for the second time this year, foreign wires reported. It is the latest signal of government concern about inflation and lending growth, and may hurt share prices today.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

<b>News</b> Corp Names EVP Office Of Chairman –

NEW YORK, NY, November 9, 2010 – News Corporation today announced that Former New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein will join the Company as Executive Vice President, Office of the Chairman. ...

eric seiger

Reps take the House and QE Too! / Fed Statement 

By Phil of Phil's Stock World 

Now, like many Americans, the Democrats know what it's like to lose their House.

Back in the mid-1800's, the nation had another kind of Tea Party as the Whigs became a successful 3rd party, even going so far as to put  two men in the White House - William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor plus Millard Fillmore, who succeeded "Old Rough and Ready" who died just after a year in office but that was a long term compared to Harrison, who caught pneumonia making a long inauguration speech in the freezing rain and died of it a month later despite attempts to cure him with opium, castor oil and leeches - treatments we are likely to see again as the Republicans vow to repeal Health Care legislation.  

I don't have to talk about what happened last night, Barry Ritholtz did a great job of it in "The Tragedy of the Obama Administration" so let's just focus on the repercussions of the changeover and, of course, today's upcoming Fed decision.  The Board of Governors were meeting all day yesterday and will meet again this morning to discuss their policy decision and one would think they can't be so deaf as to see that our citizens are not interested in additional deficit spending, which is exactly what QE2 is when the Fed writes checks to paper over the Treasury's profligate spending.  

Look for new and improved ways of not taxing corporations. Like GM, which will not have to pay taxes on its next $45.4Bn of earnings despite the fact that the Government paid for their losses already and allowed the company to bust union contracts and trash benefits for the millions of retired and fired workers as they shut down and sold brands - permanently shipping US manufacturing jobs overseas.

Of course, this tax break isn't about GM.  GM just sets a good precedent for similar treatment of Banksters and others who received relief under TARP and, of course, whatever they decide to call the next emergency bailout of Big Business.  If the market breaks our tops, we are going to be loving the XLF which already owns most of the people who got elected last night.   With FAS at $22.44, we can sell the April $19 puts for $2.75 and buy the Jan $17/21.67 bull call spread for $3.10 and that's net .35 on the $4.67 spread that's starting out 100% in the money and makes 1,334% if FAS simply holds $21.67. 

See, that's why we don't fear the upside.  If the market is going to have a mindless rally, we can find dozens of trade ideas that can keep us ahead of inflation like that. This is why we can PATIENTLY wait for the market to PROVE it can move forward - our job is to preserve cash so we can participate in these mindless opportunities to make ridiculous returns while the life savings and futures of the bottom 95% is ground into dust.  

Do I feel bad about that?  Not anymore, they are going to get the economy they just voted for and that's survival of the financially fittest and we'd better get serious about it because no prisoners will be taken in the next round of "Survivor, America."  Already the commodities are flying in celebration of the return of control of the House to Republicans.  There will be no legislation, there will be no investigation, there will be no restrictions at all and oil already jammed up to $85 in pre-market trading along with gold back over $1,360 and copper back at $3.85.  Isn't that great?  $5 more per barrel costs US consumers $100M a day and there's NOTHING they can do about it. They must spend it and that's more credit card transactions and more retail spending on gas, which we'll use as data to pretend the economy is improving - BRILLIANT!

We have the MBA Mortgage Report this morning along with ADP Employment (+43,000 jobs - all service), Inventories and ISM manufacturing but nothing really matters other than the Fed, which has to ignore all the improvements in the underlying data and risk hyperinflation by jamming another Trillion dollars into the dead pool of the US Money Supply.  We like XLF, UYG (see Member chat for our plays on them) as well as FAS to play the QE2 game because, eventually, all this money will flow through them at some point. Globally, the banking sector is just a shadow if it's former self, as illustrated in this chart (click to enlarge):

It's also interesting to note that just 4 of the World's top 50 banks are US banks - this probably does not fit into the average voters delusion of US economic superiority but we love our delusional voters because they are also delusional investors who pay us premiums, aren't they?  Barry points out that the election means "Less Limits and Oversight of Banks."  If we can't beat them, we may as well join them as we gear up for round 2 of "Grand Theft America." 

It's all about the Fed today and then it will be all about Jobs on Friday.  Despite intervention on the Yen this morning that took the dollar back to 81 this morning, the overall dollars has stayed below the 77 line since yesterday morning.  My comment to Members near yesterday's close was that the market move was very unimpressive on the heels of a 0.7% drop in the dollar as they market should AT LEAST gain enough to offset the currency it's priced in and then you have the magnification as the commodity pushers move up on the weak dollar as well.  

Not seeing good action makes us wonder, how low does the dollar have to go to get us back to April's highs, when the dollar was 7% stronger?  All else being equal, we should be 7% ABOVE April's highs, not 7% below it and, if we can make 1,300% on a flat-line - imagine what we can do with a 14% pop!

Here's looking forward to a very exciting final two months...

- Phil 

Chart via The Banker, Thomson Reuters, H/tip Barry Ritholtz 

Photo courtesy of Jr. Deputy Accountant 

Addendum: Fed Statement

Release Date: November 3, 2010

For immediate release

End ED — From the Left!

It’s no secret that expelling the U.S. Department of Education is something that a lot of libertarians, and conservatives who haven’t lost their way, would love to do. What’s not nearly so well known is that there are also people on the left who dislike ED. Now, they don’t dislike it because it and the programs it administers clearly exist in contravention of the Constitution, or because its massive dollar-redistribution programs have done no discernable good. They dislike it because, especially since the advent of No Child Left Behind, it strong-arms schools into doing things left-wing educators often disagree with or resent, like pushing phonics over whole language, or imposing standardized testing. Many also truly believe in local control of schools, though often with power consolidated in the hands of teachers.

Case in point is a guest blog post over at the webpage of the Washington Post’s Valerie Strauss. The entry is by George Wood, principal of Federal Hocking High School in Ohio and executive director of the Forum for Education and Democracy. He writes:

Everybody dislikes bureaucracies, but for different reasons. The “right” complains they are unresponsive, full of “feather-bedders,” and a waste of taxpayer money. The “left” complains they are unresponsive, full of people who are too busy pushing paper to see the real work, and too intrusive into local, democratic decision-making. Maybe we should unite all this new energy for making government more responsive and efficient around the idea of eliminating a bureaucracy that was probably a bad idea in the first place.

Remember that the Department of Education was a payoff by President Jimmy Carter to teacher unions for their support. Before that, education was part of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

That’s where I propose returning it. Here are several reasons why:

First, the current structure of the national Department of Education gives it inordinate control over local schools. The federal government provides only about 8% of education funding. But through through NCLB, Race to the Top, and innovation grants, they are driving about 100% of the agenda. Clearly this is a case of a tail wagging a very big dog.

Second, by separating education from health and welfare, we have separated departments that should be working very closely together. We all know, even if some folks are loath to admit it, that in order for a child to take full advantage of educational opportunities he or she needs to come to school healthy, with a full stomach, and from a safe place to live.

But the federal initiatives around education seldom take such a holistic approach; instead, competing departments engage in bureaucratic turf wars that, while fun within the Beltway, are tragic for children in our neighborhoods.

Third, whenever you create a large bureaucracy, it will find something to do, even if that something is less than helpful. After years of an “activist” DOE, we do not see student achievement improving or school innovation taking hold widely. We have lived through Reading First, What Works, and an alphabet soup of changing programs with little to show for it.

In fact, DOE has often been one of the more ideological departments, engaging in the battles such as phonics vs. whole language. Who needs it?

Who needs it, indeed!

As I have touched upon repeatedly since last week’s election, now is the time to launch a serious offensive against the U.S. Department of Education. I have largely concluded that because of the wave of generally conservative and libertarian legislators heading toward Washington, as well as the powerful tea-party spirit powering the tide. But this is a battle I have always thought could be fought with a temporary alliance of the libertarian right and educators of the progressive left who truly despise top-down, one-size-fits-all, dictates from Washington. There are big sticking points, of course — for instance, many progressives love federal money “for the poor” — but this morning, I have a little greater hope that an alliance can be forged.

eric seiger

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 10 <b>...</b>

China will force banks to raise reserve requirements for the second time this year, foreign wires reported. It is the latest signal of government concern about inflation and lending growth, and may hurt share prices today.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

<b>News</b> Corp Names EVP Office Of Chairman –

NEW YORK, NY, November 9, 2010 – News Corporation today announced that Former New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein will join the Company as Executive Vice President, Office of the Chairman. ...

eric seiger

eric seiger by EZYMONEY

eric seiger

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 10 <b>...</b>

China will force banks to raise reserve requirements for the second time this year, foreign wires reported. It is the latest signal of government concern about inflation and lending growth, and may hurt share prices today.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

<b>News</b> Corp Names EVP Office Of Chairman –

NEW YORK, NY, November 9, 2010 – News Corporation today announced that Former New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein will join the Company as Executive Vice President, Office of the Chairman. ...

eric seiger

Reps take the House and QE Too! / Fed Statement 

By Phil of Phil's Stock World 

Now, like many Americans, the Democrats know what it's like to lose their House.

Back in the mid-1800's, the nation had another kind of Tea Party as the Whigs became a successful 3rd party, even going so far as to put  two men in the White House - William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor plus Millard Fillmore, who succeeded "Old Rough and Ready" who died just after a year in office but that was a long term compared to Harrison, who caught pneumonia making a long inauguration speech in the freezing rain and died of it a month later despite attempts to cure him with opium, castor oil and leeches - treatments we are likely to see again as the Republicans vow to repeal Health Care legislation.  

I don't have to talk about what happened last night, Barry Ritholtz did a great job of it in "The Tragedy of the Obama Administration" so let's just focus on the repercussions of the changeover and, of course, today's upcoming Fed decision.  The Board of Governors were meeting all day yesterday and will meet again this morning to discuss their policy decision and one would think they can't be so deaf as to see that our citizens are not interested in additional deficit spending, which is exactly what QE2 is when the Fed writes checks to paper over the Treasury's profligate spending.  

Look for new and improved ways of not taxing corporations. Like GM, which will not have to pay taxes on its next $45.4Bn of earnings despite the fact that the Government paid for their losses already and allowed the company to bust union contracts and trash benefits for the millions of retired and fired workers as they shut down and sold brands - permanently shipping US manufacturing jobs overseas.

Of course, this tax break isn't about GM.  GM just sets a good precedent for similar treatment of Banksters and others who received relief under TARP and, of course, whatever they decide to call the next emergency bailout of Big Business.  If the market breaks our tops, we are going to be loving the XLF which already owns most of the people who got elected last night.   With FAS at $22.44, we can sell the April $19 puts for $2.75 and buy the Jan $17/21.67 bull call spread for $3.10 and that's net .35 on the $4.67 spread that's starting out 100% in the money and makes 1,334% if FAS simply holds $21.67. 

See, that's why we don't fear the upside.  If the market is going to have a mindless rally, we can find dozens of trade ideas that can keep us ahead of inflation like that. This is why we can PATIENTLY wait for the market to PROVE it can move forward - our job is to preserve cash so we can participate in these mindless opportunities to make ridiculous returns while the life savings and futures of the bottom 95% is ground into dust.  

Do I feel bad about that?  Not anymore, they are going to get the economy they just voted for and that's survival of the financially fittest and we'd better get serious about it because no prisoners will be taken in the next round of "Survivor, America."  Already the commodities are flying in celebration of the return of control of the House to Republicans.  There will be no legislation, there will be no investigation, there will be no restrictions at all and oil already jammed up to $85 in pre-market trading along with gold back over $1,360 and copper back at $3.85.  Isn't that great?  $5 more per barrel costs US consumers $100M a day and there's NOTHING they can do about it. They must spend it and that's more credit card transactions and more retail spending on gas, which we'll use as data to pretend the economy is improving - BRILLIANT!

We have the MBA Mortgage Report this morning along with ADP Employment (+43,000 jobs - all service), Inventories and ISM manufacturing but nothing really matters other than the Fed, which has to ignore all the improvements in the underlying data and risk hyperinflation by jamming another Trillion dollars into the dead pool of the US Money Supply.  We like XLF, UYG (see Member chat for our plays on them) as well as FAS to play the QE2 game because, eventually, all this money will flow through them at some point. Globally, the banking sector is just a shadow if it's former self, as illustrated in this chart (click to enlarge):

It's also interesting to note that just 4 of the World's top 50 banks are US banks - this probably does not fit into the average voters delusion of US economic superiority but we love our delusional voters because they are also delusional investors who pay us premiums, aren't they?  Barry points out that the election means "Less Limits and Oversight of Banks."  If we can't beat them, we may as well join them as we gear up for round 2 of "Grand Theft America." 

It's all about the Fed today and then it will be all about Jobs on Friday.  Despite intervention on the Yen this morning that took the dollar back to 81 this morning, the overall dollars has stayed below the 77 line since yesterday morning.  My comment to Members near yesterday's close was that the market move was very unimpressive on the heels of a 0.7% drop in the dollar as they market should AT LEAST gain enough to offset the currency it's priced in and then you have the magnification as the commodity pushers move up on the weak dollar as well.  

Not seeing good action makes us wonder, how low does the dollar have to go to get us back to April's highs, when the dollar was 7% stronger?  All else being equal, we should be 7% ABOVE April's highs, not 7% below it and, if we can make 1,300% on a flat-line - imagine what we can do with a 14% pop!

Here's looking forward to a very exciting final two months...

- Phil 

Chart via The Banker, Thomson Reuters, H/tip Barry Ritholtz 

Photo courtesy of Jr. Deputy Accountant 

Addendum: Fed Statement

Release Date: November 3, 2010

For immediate release

End ED — From the Left!

It’s no secret that expelling the U.S. Department of Education is something that a lot of libertarians, and conservatives who haven’t lost their way, would love to do. What’s not nearly so well known is that there are also people on the left who dislike ED. Now, they don’t dislike it because it and the programs it administers clearly exist in contravention of the Constitution, or because its massive dollar-redistribution programs have done no discernable good. They dislike it because, especially since the advent of No Child Left Behind, it strong-arms schools into doing things left-wing educators often disagree with or resent, like pushing phonics over whole language, or imposing standardized testing. Many also truly believe in local control of schools, though often with power consolidated in the hands of teachers.

Case in point is a guest blog post over at the webpage of the Washington Post’s Valerie Strauss. The entry is by George Wood, principal of Federal Hocking High School in Ohio and executive director of the Forum for Education and Democracy. He writes:

Everybody dislikes bureaucracies, but for different reasons. The “right” complains they are unresponsive, full of “feather-bedders,” and a waste of taxpayer money. The “left” complains they are unresponsive, full of people who are too busy pushing paper to see the real work, and too intrusive into local, democratic decision-making. Maybe we should unite all this new energy for making government more responsive and efficient around the idea of eliminating a bureaucracy that was probably a bad idea in the first place.

Remember that the Department of Education was a payoff by President Jimmy Carter to teacher unions for their support. Before that, education was part of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

That’s where I propose returning it. Here are several reasons why:

First, the current structure of the national Department of Education gives it inordinate control over local schools. The federal government provides only about 8% of education funding. But through through NCLB, Race to the Top, and innovation grants, they are driving about 100% of the agenda. Clearly this is a case of a tail wagging a very big dog.

Second, by separating education from health and welfare, we have separated departments that should be working very closely together. We all know, even if some folks are loath to admit it, that in order for a child to take full advantage of educational opportunities he or she needs to come to school healthy, with a full stomach, and from a safe place to live.

But the federal initiatives around education seldom take such a holistic approach; instead, competing departments engage in bureaucratic turf wars that, while fun within the Beltway, are tragic for children in our neighborhoods.

Third, whenever you create a large bureaucracy, it will find something to do, even if that something is less than helpful. After years of an “activist” DOE, we do not see student achievement improving or school innovation taking hold widely. We have lived through Reading First, What Works, and an alphabet soup of changing programs with little to show for it.

In fact, DOE has often been one of the more ideological departments, engaging in the battles such as phonics vs. whole language. Who needs it?

Who needs it, indeed!

As I have touched upon repeatedly since last week’s election, now is the time to launch a serious offensive against the U.S. Department of Education. I have largely concluded that because of the wave of generally conservative and libertarian legislators heading toward Washington, as well as the powerful tea-party spirit powering the tide. But this is a battle I have always thought could be fought with a temporary alliance of the libertarian right and educators of the progressive left who truly despise top-down, one-size-fits-all, dictates from Washington. There are big sticking points, of course — for instance, many progressives love federal money “for the poor” — but this morning, I have a little greater hope that an alliance can be forged.

eric seiger by EZYMONEY

eric seiger

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 10 <b>...</b>

China will force banks to raise reserve requirements for the second time this year, foreign wires reported. It is the latest signal of government concern about inflation and lending growth, and may hurt share prices today.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

<b>News</b> Corp Names EVP Office Of Chairman –

NEW YORK, NY, November 9, 2010 – News Corporation today announced that Former New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein will join the Company as Executive Vice President, Office of the Chairman. ...

eric seiger by EZYMONEY

eric seiger

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 10 <b>...</b>

China will force banks to raise reserve requirements for the second time this year, foreign wires reported. It is the latest signal of government concern about inflation and lending growth, and may hurt share prices today.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

<b>News</b> Corp Names EVP Office Of Chairman –

NEW YORK, NY, November 9, 2010 – News Corporation today announced that Former New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein will join the Company as Executive Vice President, Office of the Chairman. ...

eric seiger

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 10 <b>...</b>

China will force banks to raise reserve requirements for the second time this year, foreign wires reported. It is the latest signal of government concern about inflation and lending growth, and may hurt share prices today.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

<b>News</b> Corp Names EVP Office Of Chairman –

NEW YORK, NY, November 9, 2010 – News Corporation today announced that Former New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein will join the Company as Executive Vice President, Office of the Chairman. ...

eric seiger

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 10 <b>...</b>

China will force banks to raise reserve requirements for the second time this year, foreign wires reported. It is the latest signal of government concern about inflation and lending growth, and may hurt share prices today.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

<b>News</b> Corp Names EVP Office Of Chairman –

NEW YORK, NY, November 9, 2010 – News Corporation today announced that Former New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein will join the Company as Executive Vice President, Office of the Chairman. ...

eric seiger eric seiger
eric seiger by EZYMONEY

eric seiger
eric seiger

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 10 <b>...</b>

China will force banks to raise reserve requirements for the second time this year, foreign wires reported. It is the latest signal of government concern about inflation and lending growth, and may hurt share prices today.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

<b>News</b> Corp Names EVP Office Of Chairman –

NEW YORK, NY, November 9, 2010 – News Corporation today announced that Former New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein will join the Company as Executive Vice President, Office of the Chairman. ...

Currently, new virtual worlds are popping up all over the place. With each one, new opportunities for making money are created as well. Although there are some people and even companies making thousands of dollars a month, most will not make more than a hobby income at most. In this article, I'll focus on a few ways that someone cam make some extra income on, one of my personal favorites.

First, what is SecondLife (often just shortened to SL)? Its a virtual world where you can do just about anything you can imagine. You create your own personal avatar, or representation of yourself. You can alter your appearance in just about any way imaginable, from your clothes to your body shape, even a tail or horns. In SL, you can also meet, greet, and make friends with all kinds of people from al over the world. You never really know who you are going to meet, but many are nice people. Just like in real life, though, there are many people that are out to take advantage of new people so have fun, but stil be careful.

With that being said, go through the tutorials and complete the tasks at the orientation island where you are started out at. With the sign-up bonus and after completing the tasks there, you should have some linden dollars (L$) to do with as you please. This is the currency in SL that all business takes place with. You can buy clothes, rent or buy land, play games, give it away, or just save it and keep it forever. If you have enough saved you can sell them for real money too.

So if you spent all you L$ and still want more for whatever reason, how do you get them? Well the easiest way to get more L$ is simply to buy them. You can use a number of methods. That entire process is covered at the link on the upper left on the home page. But that isn't what this article is about. You want to go to the next level and actually earn your L$ so that you never have to buy them again.

Money Trees

You may have heard the old saying, "Money doesn't grow on trees." Well in SL, that is just not true because it does. As you are familiarizing yourself with the virtual world you will likely come across something called a money tree. These trees are set up to help new people gain more L$. Why do people do this? Simple, exposure. People come to these trees and see the things around them and hopefully find it interesting and come back regularly and the land owner can make money from that. More on that later. Lists of money trees are all over the place and there are hundreds of trees everywhere. My personal favorite is the Wolfhaven Moneytree list. You can find it by clicking and then on the left where it says "Golden Apple Tree List". A list of many of the trees will come up. make sure you are logged in and click on a link. It will give you a teleport link to where the tree is. You may have to look around a bit and occaisionally the get moved. All you need to do once the tree rezzez (when objects load it is commonly called "rezzing") is just walk up to in, look around in the tree for a dollar or a fruit and click on it. At the base of the tree, there is some text. One says money in tree. If it says L$0 move on, its empty.

Money trees are a great way to get started making a little bit, but many of them only allow you to take from them for your first 30 days. Realisticly, they are only there to help out new people and are not meant as a way to make real income.


You can also make money by something called camping. When a land owner enables their place in the search, it is ordered by its traffic. The land owner will, in many cases, set up a place where other people can stand, sit, dance, or whatever and get paid for the traffic they count for while doing it. (Each minutes a person spends at a place, generates one traffic point for that parcel of land) Look around in the search at the bottom of the screen. You can find many places that will pay anywhere from 1L$ per hour on up. There are different ways that camping works too. Some you will have to just sit on a poseball and it will count. Others you have to log in to their system, usually by just clicking on the sign. Some you will have to join their group. More and more people are using anti-bot systems. This usually just means that you will have to answer a simple question (like click on the button with the number two on it) every 10 minutes or so.

Generally, you can camp no matter what your age. You can also make more than from the money trees. Again, though, you can't realistically make a substantial income this way.

Paid for...

There are also many places that will pay you for doing certain tasks. One very popular system is the paid for picks reward system (PPRS). With this system, you get paid for adding a place to your profile picks. How much and how often is totally up to the owner. Some will pay 100L$ or more every month plus have a bonus reward for one person that claimed the bonus that month. Also, many times you can find ways to get paid for doing surveys or visiting various places. One of the best I have found is They combine surveys on the web, in-world visits, and paid for picks programs into one place.

Paid for tasks is a good way to make some money to support your SL shopping or a great way to build start up capital for opening a business in SL of your own.

Designing and Building

Just like in real life, designers are a dime a dozen. One advantage with SL is that even the little businesses that are just starting out really can compete. You may not be able to make a million L$ right away, but it is entirely plausable to break even within the first month or two. With a business in SL, it is more important how you market your services than how great those services are. Get active in the forums and on sites like where you can show off your new items. Also, start your own blog. Write about your new items coming up and feature different items.

This just barely touuches on the subject of opening a store in SL. Just like in the real world, it is a very complex situation, but at least this is a start.

Real Estate

Yes, virtual real estate can make you legitimate real life money. Anything you can do with real property, you can do with virtual property. Build a comdominium or housing complex and rent them out. Organize a shopping center and rent out the smaller shops. Buy a large piece of property and subdivide and resell the smaller lots. If you can think it up more likely that not, it can work. You just have to be creative.

These are just a few of the ways to make money in SL. There are as many ways to make money as there are people, just like in real life. I know I keep saying that phrase, "just like in real life," but that is because SL really does have many similarities to the real world. Remember that behind those virtual avatars are real people and that they live in the real world.

eric seiger

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 10 <b>...</b>

China will force banks to raise reserve requirements for the second time this year, foreign wires reported. It is the latest signal of government concern about inflation and lending growth, and may hurt share prices today.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

<b>News</b> Corp Names EVP Office Of Chairman –

NEW YORK, NY, November 9, 2010 – News Corporation today announced that Former New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein will join the Company as Executive Vice President, Office of the Chairman. ...

eric seiger

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 10 <b>...</b>

China will force banks to raise reserve requirements for the second time this year, foreign wires reported. It is the latest signal of government concern about inflation and lending growth, and may hurt share prices today.

Good <b>news</b>: State seizes newborn baby after mom eats poppy seed <b>...</b>

Hey, heard a few days ago on the news that they(they meaning either health officials here in PA or it was HHS) were going to start screening all new mothers for depression several times each year. Mandatory screenings for depression. ...

<b>News</b> Corp Names EVP Office Of Chairman –

NEW YORK, NY, November 9, 2010 – News Corporation today announced that Former New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein will join the Company as Executive Vice President, Office of the Chairman. ...

eric seiger

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